Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Day 3: 30 Days Wild

So Today I woke up and hallelujah the sun was shining, so was looking forward to getting outside today. To start my day spotted two collared doves from my kitchen window, how lovely.

Then my day went downhill. With a 3month old who deceided she was not very happy today and therefore made it near impossible to get out. When we did get out only managed to briefly take in the wildlife where I spotted several starlings a couple of sparrows and a little wagtail. Wasn't able to fully appreciate with a crying baby. So home we went and to compensate I went online and ordered a window bird feeder, will be interesting to see if it stays on the window and attracts birds. This will probably also drive the cat crazy too. 

Later in the evening from my balcony I spotted a magpie sitting pruning on the rooftop.

I also managed a couple of minutes recording the birdsong. I have not figured out how to share this yet though :/ 
About 10 minutes later as I was preparing baby bottle I see he had gained a friend. 

Apologies for not the best pictures. These were taken zoomed in on My iPhone. 

So that's about as wild as it got today. Tomorrow we are off to nanas so will have a garden to explore,. May get chance to go to the local field and maybe if the weather is nice feel the grass under our feet. Will have to see what tomorrow brings. 

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