Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Day 2: 30 days wild

Well today the weather was pretty wild itself, rain and strong winds, not very inspiring to head out into. But off we went to go swimming, experiencing the wind in our hair briefly on our way.
So we then headed out to the shops and mummy purchased a little watering can.

We will actually use this in the bath but will enhance the senses with water play. Hopefully if the weather brightens can take water play outside with nature.

On browsing the shops we also found this lovely little bird house to paint ourselves. Ok so this is more for mummy as 3month olds can not paint. I also am not sure where I will hang it as our balcony doesn't see birds with a cat. We will have to save it for when we get a garden :) 

I went on to treat my gorgeous girl to a new tweeting ring, and it wasn't until we got home that I realised this had little bugs in it too. 

So now was really starting to feel connected with nature despite the weather, so found on Netflix the perfect little film of the very hungry caterpillar, something my little girl could appreciate and who knows how much she is learning. 
For anyone that doesn't know this it's about a caterpillar that eats more and more different fruits each day before cocooning and becoming a butterfly. 

To finish our day we went outside to water our seeds we planted yesterday and had chance to appreciate the beauty of the wind.

Now will look forward to day 3, not sure what it will bring, hopefully some slightly better weather so we can venture outside a bit more. 

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